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Add users to the workspace
Chloe Lam avatar
Written by Chloe Lam
Updated over a week ago

To access your workspace settings, click on at the top left corner. Only workspace owners have permission to create, edit, and remove workspaces.

Add users by email (Recommended)

  1. Scroll to "Add New Members."

  2. Type in the user's school-provided email and select a role.

    1. Member - User can only use the assistants created.

    2. Editor - User can create and edit courses and assistants. User cannot adjust workspace settings.

    3. Owner - User can create, edit, and deactivate workspaces, courses, and assistants.

  3. Click "Save."

  4. Users will have to accept the invitation to access the workspace. Learn more how to accept invites here.

Add users by invitation link

  1. Under "Workspace Members," copy and share the link with your users.

  2. Users will be added to the workspace once they have logged into their workspace through the link provided. All users will be added as "Members" unless set otherwise.

Changing user role

  1. Scroll to "Team Management" and clicknext to the user you want to change.

  2. Select the role you want to change the user to.

**Note: If you are the sole owner of a workspace, you must select another owner before changing your role. Otherwise, no one will have access to the workspace settings.

Deleting a user

  1. Scroll to "Team Management" and clicknext to the user you want to change.

  2. Select "Remove Team Member.

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